133 Defense Highway, Suite 110, Annapolis, Maryland

Enter the BluZone: Here’s why I’ve joined the revolutionary BluZone Weight Loss Program…maybe you should, too!

Ready to lose

I’m sitting in my gastroenterologist’s waiting room, expecting the worst. The last time I went to the doctor, I learned I am pre-diabetic. What would be next? A cancer diagnosis? Another pill to add to my regimine? Or a lecture about what terrible shape I’m in? Years of unresolved digestive issues and excruciating anxiety have landed me in this seat, my stomach rumbling as I flip through a Food Network magazine and contemplating my next meal. 

Like most Americans, I am obsessed with food, and, like ⅓ of Americans* I am overweight. I am dreading stepping on the scale when I get inside my doctor’s office. I don’t want to feel ashamed for the stigmas that come with being, well, fat, but, more importantly, I’m not ready to be reminded that my BMI of 32.6 is putting me at risk for a slew of diseases. The worst part: unlike my genetic predispositions for arthritis, high cholesterol, depression, and cancer, my BMI is something that should be within my locus of control — something that could be a contributing factor to developing and suffering from one of these conditions.

When I talk to some of the older people I encounter,  it seems like that’s all they do is visit the cardiologist, the neurologist, the endocrinologist, the physical therapist…and so on. Obviously going to the doctor is important, and as we age, conditions will pop up, but can some of them be prevented by maintaining a healthy weight? Aren’t there more exciting things to do when you’ve reached your golden years? 

When I’m 80, I envision myself traveling the world and looking like Martha Stewart on the cover of the 2023 Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition rather than boring my family with the details of my most recent medical procedure. I know what I want for my future, but my present situation poses a serious problem: at 40 years of age I’m about 40 pounds overweight. 

In my 20s and 30s, my weight was up and down with each of my four babies, but during those decades, my main concern with being overweight was how I looked. Now, I’m thinking about the long-range consequences of excessive body fat suffocating my organs or limiting my mobility by crushing my hips and my knees. In my 30s, I would lose weight because I wanted to look good in a bridesmaid’s dress. At 40, I want to lose weight so that I can dance at my grandchildrens’ weddings. (I hope they will still play my go to wedding jam: Salt N Pepa’s “Push It.”)

A losing losing game

Over the years, I’ve lost weight successfully, but never permanently. My BMI was picture perfect until I went away to college. I tried Nutrisystem and lost 10 pounds in 30 months, which I put back on when I switched back to my old diet of carryout and beer. In preparation for my wedding, I tried a ridiculous program of isometric exercises called Shapely Secrets. Even after 3 months of squeezing my muscles for 10 minutes every day, I could barely get my dress to zip. I finally found success through a nutrition and exercise program at my local gym, but the weight came back on when I got pregnant and let myself indulge in cupcakes and French fries. I lost the weight quickly afterward when I returned to the guidelines and practices of whole foods, cardio, and weight training. It worked for the next two pregnancies, but after I had my 4th child at 33, and I was prescribed heavy-duty anxiety meds, my metabolism slowed to a crawl, dragging my willpower behind it. I was finally able to drop 12 pounds on Noom right before COVID hit, but ultimately fell into a comfort-inspired high carb, high fat, high sodium, high sugar diet and relatively sedentary lifestyle.

My lifestyle needs a jumpstart!

A sustainably healthy body can only be the product of a consistently healthy lifestyle. The only way I’ve ever lost weight is by making better choices every day about what I put in my body and how much I move it. My problem in the past is that once I stop seeing a personal trainer or the event I’ve been fasting for is over, I slip back into my self-destructive default mode. If I want to spend my time with doctors, I should keep doing what I’m doing. If I want to spend time with friends and family, it’s time to reconsider how deliberately I’m living. 

But, it’s not so simple as clearing my pantry of cookies and crackers and loading up the fridge with fresh produce. Just because I buy it, doesn’t mean I’ll cook it and eat it. A solo couch-to-5K journey would probably take me the better part of a year. Even if I did make drastic changes to my nutrition and fitness habits, I’d probably quit before I saw results. What I need is a jump start and a support team, and thanks to BluZone, I’ll have both.  

Enter BluZone: a Revolutionary Weight Loss and Wellness Program

BluZone’s weight loss program is designed to promote weight loss that offers clients both rapid and long-term effects. Semaglutide injections and nutrient IVs, including B vitamins, reprogram your metabolism by restoring balance of hormones, which leads to a stable digestive tract, curbed cravings, and a boost in energy. The hyperbaric chamber experience supplements the injections by increasing oxygen flow to your cells, and, again, increasing your energy. Nutrition consulting will educate you on how to choose better foods that fuel your body. With all of that energy support, you will be primed for movement coaching, which is also included. Finally, you will receive counseling sessions to ensure that your body and mind are well in every way. 

The pre-program jitters

When I was first offered this program, I was scared. What if something went wrong, and I ended up in another doctor’s office? I was excited about the nutrition and fitness components, and even the B-12 injections, which have been a game changer for me, but I was worried about the semaglutide injections.  I began doing some research** *** and learned that most of my concerns about serious health side effects weren’t as serious as I thought. Even though I was looking for a reason not to do the program, I continued to find more and more reasons why BluZone’s controlled method of semaglutide injection was a good choice for me.

The BluZone method offers minimal side effects

Many of the issues that have been reported by semaglutide users occurred in situations where the users were not monitored by a medical professional. Some users were even ordering unregulated semaglutide on the internet. BluZone offers clients a medical director for screening and an on-staff nurse to supervise the administration of the injections and infusions. This includes gradual dosing, calculated for your individual needs.

One of the problems people have experienced using semaglutide is the loss of muscle mass. BluZone’s program includes fitness training to develop a sustainable exercise program that will lead to muscle gain not loss. Then, it’s up to YOU to follow through.

I’ve been reading reports (and seeing images) of “Ozempic face,” which occurs with rapid fat loss and includes sagging skin and wrinkles. I’m inclined to believe that BluZone’s nutrient IVs and hyperbaric chamber dives, along with plenty of water intake, will help prevent that.

There are, of course, some cases where semaglutide users have underlying conditions that interfere with its proper administration. I had a friend who experienced an inflamed gallbladder after she started receiving injections. I had mine taken out in 2009, so I don’t think that will happen to me. Her condition reversed when she stopped receiving injections. If you have to abandon the semaglutide regime, you can recover your health. BluZone can offer an alternate path to weight loss success.

Most of the more serious side effects were reported by people who used semaglutide well beyond the 12-weeks. At BluZone, you will receive the recommended 12-week course of injections. If you continue with the dietary and exercise recommendations, you will continue to lose weight. Remember: this is a kick-start to a lifestyle change. 

What worries me most…

The most problematic side effects I can imagine for myself are GI symptoms. I have IBS, acid reflux, gastritis, and a handful of other GI issues (hence the visit to the gastroenterologist), so I’m honestly used to experiencing digestive distress. I take a variety of medications to manage these conditions and have to be careful about what I eat so as not to trigger my symptoms. I’m hoping that my medications will help me through the adjustment period. If things get a lot worse, I will have to consider trying another weight loss method with the help of BluZone. But, who knows? Maybe this new lifestyle change will help improve my gut, inside and out.

A healthy solution for heavy stakes

According to an article called “Weight Loss Outcomes Associated With Semaglutide Treatment for Patients With Overweight or Obesity”, Drs. Wissam Ghusn, MD, Alan De la Rosa, MD, Daniel Sacoto, MD, et. al. would agree with my assumption that the side effects I am most likely to encounter will be in my digestive tract. Sure, there is a risk in beginning a semaglutide regimine, and gastrointestinal distress can be extremely unpleasant, but they also explain that:

“Obesity is a chronic, multifactorial, and relapsing disease1 with an increasing prevalence estimated to reach 49% by 2030.2 Its medical burden includes multiple comorbidities, such as type 2 diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, stroke, coronary heart disease, and various cancers.3 A total cost of $1.71 trillion in the United States was attributed to chronic diseases associated with obesity.4 Considering the medical and economic costs associated with obesity, effective weight management is important to mitigate the associated morbidity and mortality.” 

Given that information, I know that I cannot continue with my current lifestyle. Nor can I be expected to lose weight without support and accountability. I owe it to my loved ones and myself to shed the excess weight in order to prevent myself from developing a serious medical condition and spending precious time sitting in doctor’s waiting rooms. Now is the time for me to try something new. And with BluZone, I know I cannot lose.





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