133 Defense Highway, Suite 110, Annapolis, Maryland

What Sets BluZone Apart

The BluZone weight loss plan is different from any other because of its multifaceted approach. Like traditional weight loss programs, it features nutrition and exercise consulting, but what sets BluZone apart are its psychological and medical features.

Expert Counseling

For the mental well-being portion of the BluZone weight loss program, candidates will meet with Christina Meighen, a licensed therapist who specializes in eating disorders, to discuss the “why” of their struggles with their body. It begins with an assessment of your attitudes towards eating before your first one-on-one session with Christina, which can be held in person in BluZone’s Annapolis facility or virtually from a location comfortable and convenient for you. Christina will discuss where you are mentally, as it pertains to your relationship with food, as well as in general. She will help you figure out what’s stopping you inside your head from being the size you imagine your best self to be.

When I met with Christina for my first session, I discussed my extreme anxiety and how it can cause me to overeat or undereat, depending on the circumstances. Christina shared with me the idea of “rest and digest,” as an opponent to “fight or flight.” When we’re in a state of fight or flight, we have a tendency to either hold onto our food in our digestive tract or get rid of it too soon. Given my complex history of what I call “tummy trouble,” I’d have to agree. If we can manage our stress, instead, and get into a state of “rest and digest,” we will experience fewer GI issues and a calmer state of mind. Our bodies will relax, as well, and no longer feel the need to eat too much or not enough because our inner biological mechanisms tell us we are being threatened. I’m looking forward to learning some of Christina’s strategies for managing my anxiety so that I can convince my brain that I’m just fine and to lead me to the right foods in the right amount at the right time for the right reasons. If I can do that, weight loss will be inevitable.

State-of-the-Art Medical Interventions


BluZone got its start as a hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) spa. Owner and registered nurse Heather Lamb decided to start the spa while working at a wound care facility and noticing the drastic impact HBOT had on her patients’ wounds. She wondered what other conditions HBOT could help or abate and conducted some research. She learned that not many studies have been completed; however, there are an overwhelming amount of testimonies of others’ success with HBOT.  Several years after writing a business plan, soliciting investors, and completing the many tasks entrepreneurs must take to get off the ground, Heather opened the spa in Summer of 2023. As Heather continued conducting research, she surmised that HBOT could be an effective tool for losing weight and included it in her revolutionary weight loss program.    

I tried the hyperbaric chamber for the first time just before beginning this program. After reading and signing some paperwork and having my vitals taken, Heather explained how the chamber works and what would happen in the event of a rare emergency. I cozied up in the chamber, which was the size of my dining room table. I was surrounded by comfortable pillows and even had a super soft blanket to tuck myself in. Some soothing blue lights danced over my head as I put on an oxygen mask. Heather communicated with me over a walkie talkie as we adjusted the pressure. My ears popped a little bit, but chewing gum helped. Heather would wave from the little window to check in on me and we’d give each other thumbs up. I cut the session short after 45 minutes, 15 minutes shy of the recommended hour session. I think my anxiety got the better of me, but my strategy for the next time (and there will be a next time!) is to pretend I am on an airplane and that I’m excited about the destination on the other side — I imagine myself looking (and feeling) good  in a bikini on a beach, the sun kissing my skin. And the HBOT is one of the vehicles that will get me there!


Another feature offered by BluZone is IV therapy. The theory behind IV therapy is that the nutrients you consume orally are broken down several times before they get to their desired destinations. An IV takes those nutrients and brings them directly to your bloodstream. BluZone offers a number of different types of IVs, for busy executives who need a perk up after an exhausting business trip to bachelorette’s who had a little bit too much fun bar-hopping with their best girlfriends. A BluZone IV will leave you feeling hydrated, restored, and energized for your next adventure.

I have received two IVs from BluZone. One is after I attended a writing conference in New York City, with lots of fast walking only to sit in a classroom and take detailed notes for hours upon hours, oh, and far too many cocktails. I was a nervous wreck on the way home, but I contacted Heather, who was able to help me recover from too much moving, thinking, and drinking within an hour. I was a believer then, but even more so now that I’ve had a more intense Detox IV. It took about an hour, but the power punch of nutrients I received, with the added bonus of glutathione, have made my nights more restful and my days more upbeat and productive. You will get to experience the mega-lift of a Detox IV, too, when you start the BluZone weight loss program. 


With all of those strongholds in place, the heavyweight of the BluZone weight loss program, semaglutide injections, have the perfect foundation for success. As I mentioned in my last post, semaglutide participants have seen mixed results in their use of the anti-diabetic medication which has seen a recent demand in off-label use as a weight loss medication. It works by curbing your appetite and making you eat less. At least — that’s what I’ve noticed in myself so far. 

Before starting the semaglutide regimen, I was approved by a nurse practitioner, who carefully examined my medical history and medications. She told me what to expect and wished me luck. Four days after my first semaglutide injection, I am down five pounds. I know that I was carrying a lot of bloat, so I imagine that a majority of that was water weight, but I can already feel my clothes fitting better. I don’t feel myself having the munchies like I usually do. I can walk through my kitchen without paying a visit to the pantry or the refrigerator. In fact, I don’t even crave junk any more. I’ve been making the healthier choice every time and I know that if I keep this going, I’m bound to lose! 

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